Thursday, September 25, 2008

posting to this site

If you want to post a comment or blog on this site simply email your email address to me at and I will add you to the author list on this site and you can comment freely. All feedback is encouraged and appreciated. Thank you for visiting.


Anonymous said...

So there’s a story in my town that requires much attention as it’s being swept underneath the rug by both local police department and local news. The link that I’m about to share, contains video evidence of a young man that was murdered in his own home, and shows police covering up the truth and hiding it from the young man’s family. I am in no way affiliated with any party , family member, etc. in this case . I am just a local in the same town that’s disgusted with how innocent civilians get treated and pushed around by “law enforcers” . Something needs to be done about this and someone needs to be held accountable for their punishable actions. I thank you all who are reading this , and I hope someone can help be the next step in a better tomorrow not just for yourself, but our future . Thanks again

Anonymous said...